
Konsekvenser av korona pandemien

Av: Erik Svendsen  |  Publisert: 17. april 2020  |  Siste nyheter  |  Arkiv

Peter Bronson som skulle jobbet hos oss som pro sitter fast i USA(se tekst fra Peter).Vi har snart på plass en ny permanent løsning

"As everyone knows, the world has turned upside down these last months. Its so regrettable that I also have not escaped the drama of border closures, and quarantine, and this now terribly affects my return from the United States to Norway. Alas, I'm stuck in Boston for the unforeseen future.

I look forward so much to coming back to my "new home" in Norway, and helping keen golfers improve their skills, but I have no idea when this will be. Hopefully sometime mid summer.

I wish everyone the best health and hreen fairways, it was an honor to meet so many of you and have your warm welcome. I hope we will see us one day again soon!"